Our Ministries
First Baptist Church strives to be engaged in the community in a variety of ministries and outreach activities. See below for just a sampling of all we do.

Youth and Children's
Our ministry to children begins with a staffed nursery for children ages 0-4. We have age graded Sunday School. We provide various children's events through the year. Every fifth Sunday is Youth Sunday, where our youth lead the service. We have a Vacation Bible School every summer. Our youth meet on the last Sunday of each month for a time of lesson and fun. Special activities are scheduled as the need arises. All children are welcome at all events. Rev. James Eliot is our Youth Minister.
We have an active music ministry including adult choir and youth choir. We provide choir specials every Sunday as well as the praise and worship music. Adult choir rehearses on Wednesday night at 6:30 PM, and Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. All are welcome to sing in the choir. See our Music Director, Joan Sacco for more detail.

Bible Studies and Prayer
Wednesday Night Prayer Service is at 5:45 PM. All are welcome.
Women's Bible Study on Monday nights at 7:00 PM. These are hosted by Joan Sacco at her home. They also stream on Facebook Live.
Men's Bible Study on Monday nights at 7:00 PM. Led by Dr. Rob. Also on Facebook Live.
Upper Room Ministries, hosted by Marcia Brown on Saturday mornings at 11:00 AM. This is a teleconference study. The call-in number is 727-731-1201. See Marcia Brown for details.
Food Bank
Our Food Bank distributes on the third Thursday of the month from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Volunteers are welcome to help unload the truck, hand out groceries. See Dr. Rob for more details.

In addition to our regular church ministries, we endeavor to be aware of needs and opportunities around us. We have ministered at Oceanfest, National Night Out and the Columbus Day Parade. Members are welcome to serve as ushers, layreaders and board members. Whatever your gifts and interests, we will make every effort to help you find your place of service.